I picked up a Cosmo recently just for fun. Besides containing the 101 BEST sex moves EVER!! ---And---The one sex position your man wants now!! ---And---How to never think for yourself!! ---And--- Worry about your appearance ALL day, a shallow woman's guide---and---Food is your enemy, how to starve and be happy!! ---And---A plain girls horrid life!! (Some of those I made up. Can you guess which ones?) It also has a romantic novel section. It contains short racy snippets from a romance book trying to get you all heated up. I read it with a smile and thought; "Wait!!! I have never written a romance novel, story etc....I should do that!" (And then I ate 5 green olives and a pickle, just sharing).
Why should I write a romantic story for you?? Because I love you and want you to have romance in your life!!!!
So here is my feeble attempt at a short romance story. Enjoy
You wanna hear it? Of course you do!! Here I go:

The beautiful seductress's auburn hair is dancing in the wind as kite tails do on a blustery afternoon. Her corset tightly cinches her already delicate waist. Her ample bosom glistens in the sun inviting thoughts of passion. Her eyes are dark and focused as she shifts her weight and throws her leg over to ride full saddle, speeding her journey. She was on a mission and was running out of time.
She was chosen by the crown for her exquisite beauty and grace and had been betrothed to the Prince. She accepted his proposal with a sunken heart. Today she was going into forbidden territory.
She had fallen in love with a Knight from a rival realm. He awaited her visit in the cover and protection of the forest. As her horse navigated expertly through the trees, she daydreamed about his touch sending a shiver of excitement down her spine.
He stood gallantly running his fingers through his dark hair, tousling it a bit nervously. His legs firm and strong shook with anticipation of her kiss. Chiseled abs hidden under cloak and armour heaved with each breath. When he saw her riding toward him his passion deepened and a knowing smile emerged on his striking face. He could not wait any longer to touch her soft skin and stroke her long silky hair.
He steadied her horse brushing against her lean body. Delicately he enveloped her waist with his stalwart hands to help her down. She purposely pushed her body against his causing the spark to change into fire. Passionately they embraced. His breath against her skin offered her a sensation she had never felt before. He traced her cleavage like an artist painting a masterpiece, pulling her forward to meet his longing for a kiss.
This first forbidden kiss ignited a flurry of movements and sounds that echoed through the woods like music. They explored each other tenderly until she stopped to speak.
"I must go!" she said softly. "I must go, NOW!"
"Will they be looking for you my lady? Are you in danger in any way?" he questioned strongly.
"No, she said, It is something else my love".
"Please tell me, I must know that you will be safe!" his voice quivered knowing she would be leaving him wanting more.
While helping her up to her horse he professed his love by touch.
"Why must you leave so soon!'" he reiterated.
"Well" she said seductively, "The royal cable guy is supposed to visit some time between 8 and 5 and there is no freaking way I will go another damn day without TV in that castle!!!"
With that proclamation the horse bucked upward and darted off into the forest ensuring her the knowledge that mindless entertainment would be returned inside the castle's walls.
The end
See there!!!!! I DO believe in happy endings!!!!!!!
You're welcome!!!!!!!!
4 Seducing Deductions:
no my love...come back...i...i.....got you a dish for christmas!!
Shucks. I would never leave you!!!!
I am also a young aspiring writer. its a good way to express ones inner self. You said you wrote books, I am trying to write one myself but dont know if it should be in the 1st or 3rd person. Suggestions?
Hey Francis, my writing styles change. I like to mix it up. Take a look at darkerroadangels.blogsot.com (if ya wanna)- It shows a few different sides of me. The novel I am working on now is fantasy so I can do crazy things with it, and I am!! But mostly it is in 1st person. If you write from your heart and enjoy doing it you can do no wrong right??? SMILE
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giggle, snort....and maybe she pees a little...but it's still cute....really...