-----I realized last night that I have grown a fascination for John Mayer. I decided that him hanging in my stocking might make me smile (his music, not his being. Seriously guys, if your heads are gonna be in the gutter all the time like mine, we need to meet up!!! NUM--- John Mayer!!!).
This recent discovery comes as a shock to me, the self described little rocker chic from the 80's.

80's FLASHBACK!!!!! Rock stars we were!!!! Spent that night flirting with the carnies to stay on the coasters longer and get free stuffed animals and funnel cakes. Spent the next morning throwing up Waffle House fare ( I believe the hash browns were smothered, covered and chunked,, I knew you were curious,, you're welcome!!).
(stop laughing).......(really).......(I get it, enough).....(geeze).....
The Seether - Staind - Disturbed - Stonesour - Evanessence - STP - Fuel - Mettallica - Linkin Park - Finger 11 - Nickelback....etc...etc..... loving gal is amazed that a soft singing dude caught her attention. I even have bobbed my head and sang along a time or two.
But this is not the first time I have side stepped my long traveled rocker path.
That baby-faced crooner Michael Buble caught my attention for a while. He may still have a little corner on my market.
Dave Matthews for about 2 minutes, but I think I was drunk and lonely.
I even had a stint with Jack Johnson's "Banana Pancakes" CD until Angus Young came and asked "Can I sit next to you girl?" (a little AC/DC never hurt anyone).
So I guess we can adapt ourselves to growing a little mellow. I don't think I will ever fully leave my hard guitar pounding roots. But a diversion from time to time sounds OK. I won't let it age me.
..........walking into living room to turn off Jessica Simpson's Christmas album....It's too soon.... I'm not ready yet.....
6 Seducing Deductions:
Uh....Im .....silence....a bit worried.......
I really ......looks around....like mayers shit....even went to see him....
um thats very close
i take em scattered smothered coverd chunked and topped....
jack johnson does rule...I have all his stuff...
the rest of the bad news is...i love it hard and heavy.....seriously...
this is trouble in the making.....
My oldest boys have found all of my old concert shirts... Dead Kennedys... Black Flag... Rollins... Oingo Boingo... Van Halen (NOT Van HAGAR)... And they tried to pry my Led Zeppelin concert shirt away but it stays locked up. Old School Punk and Rock are my daily soundtracks.
LOL...ok..ok..... im lost..i admit it....what does "gotta bag! dance" mean? seriously laughing cause i AM WAY off.....
papas gotta brand new bag? help me out here!!
seriously the pic was priceless...more please......with clothes on....
Trey: That would be a bag full of circus peanuts to throw at you......while you dance!! Yes- you were probably WAAAY off- sorry to ruin the mystery!!! ha
Spuds: Priceless shirts....I want them!! Keep the Led locked up!!
ok ...man I am SLOW........its a deal....
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giggle, snort....and maybe she pees a little...but it's still cute....really...