I remembered the paper puppet hand thingy-jigger with the numbers, colors and scrawled fortunes tucked inside. If you pick the number 5, then pick the color yellow, if when you open the flap, the paper puppet hand thingy-jigger says "kiss Chris Crumbly",,,you KISS Chris Crumbly!!! (full on, behind the tree, got caught, lied, said "we were ONLY looking for marbles!" And kissed him again when they believed me-----suckerzzzz)! The paper puppet hand thingy-jigger knew all and was to be highly respected. It rocked!! So did gullible teachers and cute boys named after the remains of messy food items. That memory sent me drifting back again, this time to the thought of kissing even MORE boys and Doug. Playground pimp Doug.
Wanna hear about him? Of course you do here I go:
The school playground was large and had slight hills. It was spotted with mature pine trees and was perfect real estate for a first time home buyer. Our "house", a circle made out of pine straw, was built under a tree by a ditch. We would happily reside there every recess with our pine sap covered shoes. I was so exultant, I made a lovely pine straw wife. The talk turned to kisses and I was nervous, but would "give it up" to him at lunch everyday. Out of nowhere Doug stopped coming home to our circle at recess. There were rumors of other circles in the trees. One day I found him canoodling another pine straw lover. I was devastated. The next day I strolled the playground and found Doug's other pine wives (there were 6 others !!!! None were as cute as me, just thought you should know). We banded against him. He tried to explain himself and even asked if we could all just play together in a really BIG home (uh, really Doug,, N-O! Don't let the pine straw hit ya in the rear!!! Actually,, in retro-spec that was pretty advanced of him). We all took our bark necklaces off, scraped "NO" on the front and threw them at him (the principal should have cut me some slack,, I mean really,,one out of 7 HAD to hit his face sooner or later, my hand just didn't get the memo to let go in time, I blame the lack of video games in my house). Every time I hear of a multiple wife situation, I think of Doug. He was truly a pioneer of infidelity at the tender age of 8..... And my first cheating experience. It's a harsh world.
I wonder what ever happened to Doug?
3 Seducing Deductions:
LOL -- I want to be a GOOBER! HAHA
You could NEVER be a goober! You're too cool!!!!
Lool! well wat do we know - boys will be boys huh? I didn't realize they started so young though, hmmm...
Such a cute post :)
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giggle, snort....and maybe she pees a little...but it's still cute....really...