I found out that my kids and their friends are calling my car the "Zhu Zhu pet" car (hmpf). When I am in car line, they joke and taunt me and my righteous whip. So I have been plotting a little "Halloween" transformation of the PT Cruiser. Mom don't play, Mom doesn't embarrass easily and Mom is planning on riding up in an "actual" Zhu Zhu pet car.... Stay tuned...
Speaking of funny vehicles, there is a huge construction site close to my home. I pass it everyday and wave at the cute boys, as a courtesy, you know, a community morale booster type activity.
In my
I would knit them colorful meat cozy's, because colorful, knitted meat cozy's keep summer sausage fresher than just throwing it in the bright UV lights of the fridge unprotected (look it up on the Hillshire Farms summer sausage website, this is an edutaining blog if nothing else!! Cover your sausage every time!!).
OK, so maybe all of the big tractors and rogue dust blowing in the wind does something "special" to me. Until yesterday.. I tried to take a picture, but was going to quickly and thought that certainly you would not want me to die solely for your visual entertainment purposes,, (I may get a pic tomorrow, you're worth the risk). All of the tractors were BRIGHT PINK. I mean Bright Pepto Bismol pink, WTF??? Pink tractors with big burly men driving in tight Wranglers and hardhats,, you can't help but laugh seeing this imagery!!
A Village People tune started blaring in my head and I was contemplating a stopping by to talk to them about bedazzling their hardhats. I don't think my sweet gesture would be appreciated, but I AM sure no one would pass on the meat cozy's and health conscience tick "check points".
14 Seducing Deductions:
You are too funny!
umm I think I need a cool shower after your hot nakey jakey men.. and looking for ticks :) lol!
Thanks for playing my game! TOO FUNNY! Loved your answers!
I can't wait for the picture of your car!!!
"meat cozy"...heh heh heh
I want a picture of you knitting a meat cozy.
So funny! Hey, I can't believe the Village People still exist. Saw them on TV the other day. Will old musicians never slink off politely into the mists of time?
Bedazzled hard hats!? I really think you are on to something! That would be so much fun to drive up to a flag person or road crew worker who was wearing a bedazzled hard hat. Think about this idea seriously Miss Seductress, I can sniff out a cool trend from miles away! - G
Who can blame the kids? It is a PT Cruiser !
And, I'm sure those fellas won't mind a little bedazzling, if they get the meat cozy
all nakey jakey.... ok
is that not cozy meat....
god Seductress you never stop the fun train do you.... can I climb on board?
You do have your ways of serving up the creative fun! Pink tractors? I have no doubts they would love receiving meat cozies from you.
Oh my gosh, your cat pics and your write-ups just make me almost wet my pants!!!
I definitely need to see a picture of this. By this, I mean the tick check points.
So what would the title of your construction film be? :)
Brittany- I am glad I found you!!! Your blog is great!!;}
Dazee- Working out the logistics, my kids will hate me!!
Kal- What color would you like?? **winks**
Alex- It's a strange sight, it would scare you.I Riverdance while I knit.laughing
Ca88andra-Too funny- I don't think we'll ever get rid of them!!
Georgina- Jump in on it with me--we'll be RICH....RICH I say!!
Mac- Pt's are hard core yo!!
D- Just like I like 'em!!
Sir- Fun train is always arunnin'!!
RRG- I can't stop thinking about meat now...This is going to effect productivity!!
Marlene- smiling-- hee hee
Missed- I'll work on it!!! evil grin
Copyboy- Ooooh let me think about it...Hmmmmm
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giggle, snort....and maybe she pees a little...but it's still cute....really...