Friday, December 3, 2010

To everyone I know that is hurting and scared.

Look up to the sun and notice that it hasn't stopped shining on you. The shadows will pass you by. The warmth on your nose and shoulders is there to make you remember that you are alive. If there were no shadows, you would never notice the soft touch of each sunbeam, formed just for you.

If the stars seem hidden tonight, they are only recharging for the next battle you have to fight. They will come out shining brighter than you have ever seen, shooting through the darkness, following each whispered dream, sparkling and waving to you. Let them speak, count each one from time to time with a thankful heart. Whisper dreams to them, they will listen.

White is falling now, it seems so beautiful at first, until it doesn't stop, burying your hopes for warmth. Notice that lone sparrow, digging through the glistening mounds, he finds a seed and waddles away to enjoy it. He sings in the brutal cold, sharing a sweet celebration for that one small offering. How much stronger should your songs be, with all you have been given? Throw seeds in the snow for all that you have, hear the true songs of happiness again.

The howling winds you notice picking up in your world, came to take away the pain you feel. Hold your hands up and twirl in it like a child. Let go. Hurt, like the burnt amber leaves of fall, will float away in time. New joy will eventually bloom and fill your heart once more.

Waves crashing on the beach seem detrimental to you now. White capped and angry, welling up and crashing when you crave stillness. But always walk patiently on the shore, picking up the jewels life has left. Perfectly painted treasure box shells with the secrets of the sea hidden inside them await to capture your fascination. Rejoice for each pearl of wisdom and acceptance, created just for you to cherish. Don't step over them in hurry.

The volcano erupts in a fiery rage, a temper tantrum staged when the elements are not lined up exactly as planned. Spewing the lava that will forever change the landscape as it escapes and cools. When it finally rests, its beauty is evident and marveled over. Without the fight, it would have died out and lost its passion. The battle awakens and celebrates life.

13 Seducing Deductions: said...

It's all beautiful - the words, the writer, and the photos. Hugs. xoRobyn

Brittany said...


Blasé said...

What we focus on determines our attitude.

Heart moving post!

Dutchess said...

I had to delurk for this one. This was one of the most beautiful posts I've ever read. Thanks you for sharing it.

Anonymous said...

Such beautiful words and pictures. When I am sad, I like to go find a quiet spot on the beach and tell the ocean what I am feeling. She can handle it and she doesn't judge me. - G

Anonymous said...

As I read your words again for the third time, again I have to marvel and sigh at
What a wondrous person you are. Your heart still shines after it has been ripped apart and your spirit still a beacon of hope even after wave upon wave of life’s attacks on you, still you stand strong. But your faith which seems endless amazes me beyond any reason I have. You are able to smile and reason with your soul when things seem pretty grim. I believe that is was given to you at birth by some passing angel most likely…

You are an angel….

Mike said...

that is truly great photography

The Bipolar Diva said...

***big smiles***

Ca88andra said...

Beautiful pictures, awesome words. You are truly talented.

Copyboy said...

You certainly know how to paint an eerie elemental picture.

mac said...

I've got sunshine on a cloudy day ......

CityMom2 said...

Gorgeous images!
Your writing is beautiful and pays homage to the great balance in life.
Good to hear you again

Missed Periods said...

Very beautiful. Every word.

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giggle, snort....and maybe she pees a little...but it's still cute....really...